Community "Bethany"
The slogan of the Society of Maryam and Martha:
"Perfect love expels fear"
(1 John 4 / 18)
This verse from the first letter of St. John expresses the reality of basic human need: love, and reflects the deep pain within each human: fear of no love.
Each of us aspires to be truly loved gratuitously and in an unlimited way. And, when he experiences and is full of this love, he will be able to love, give from himself and share his possessions with joy, freedom and responsibility. Lack of love creates fear, and fear creates pain, and inner pain leads to despair and frustration. And the experiencing way of living love, gives meaning to life and emplaces security, builds up confidence in thyself and life; thereby, it also gives the joy and the hope of facing life in spite of the inconvenience, the external difficulties and the materialistic problems.
The most difficult thing that a battered and abandoned woman in life, carries with her is, the fear of thyself, fear of others, fear of living and fear the future. It's because she was not loved enough in a proper and gratuitously manner, she is afraid of everything, and she remains looking for love in all what she thinks and lives.
In the heart of the Community of Maryam and Martha we try to love each other in partnership, honesty and to translate this love by listening and serving gratuitously : We live our slogan "Love expels fear," in three dimensions with the praying Maryam, the enthusiastic Martha and the risen from death Eliazer.
-1- By listening to the word of God and to each other, especially for women who need to have confidence, expression and understanding.
-2- By simple and gratuitous service to each other, especially for the most vulnerable, poorest and painful.
-3 – By planting hope in the hearts of each other, with moral support and humanitarian rehabilitation at all levels.
The Community thanks God, for it seeks to embody these values in the quality of reception and daily rehabilitation, but knows, and is fully aware that it needs to be fed continuously from the Divine Teacher to carry out its mission of truth and provides everlasting fruits.
We have been "Martha" for the past ten years and we focused on developing the capacities, means and programs for the daily rehabilitation work and we continue to strengthen technical and scientific standing, and continuous assessment of our mission.
But today, we believe and know the importance of "Maryam", the praying and consecrated community inside her, which remains in a union and communication with the Lord, so to be as the spirit in the flesh, the spiritual truth that guides, maintains and develops life of love, according to the Will of God for the whole "Body of the Community".
- Love and desire to follow Christ closely.
- Faith in the creation and living the demands of the ecclesial community devoted in the name of Christ.
- Love the mission of the community, "Maryam and Martha" and the joy of personal talent to revive this mission.
Today The Community “Bethany” is being formed and ready to appear.
They listen and pray together, share life around the teaching of the Church, and experience the mission.
Its regulation is in the process of emergence, and its framework is in the process of testing, its objective is clear: a desire for the vocation to Christ, together, for the mission of the community, "Maryam and Martha." By achieving this goal, the person is sanctified, and contributes to build a Community which is the Church and the human family.
We ask prayers and support of all to understand the call. Anyone interested in experiencing or in partnership, please contact us at: